Sunday, 30 August 2009

The best meal we've had so far.

Friday night we recieved a dinner invite from Vuma, one of the nursing students here. She took us to her home, across the road from the hospital. It is a small cement builing consisting of a bedroom, kitchen area and living room, in total smaller than my room at the hospital (about 4x4metres). She and her husband built it 5 years ago when they moved to the area and they now live there with their 5 year old son and two older girls that they have 'adopted'. It's a very interesting dynamic that we're discovering here; people who really have very little themselves will share that with others who are needy, in this case the orphaned daughter of a relative and a neglected neighbour's child. She made us an amazing dinner of local zulu food (curry and a sort of rice/cous cous made of ground meal) which we ate by candle light, there being no electricity. It was an amazing insight in to how people live (particularly bearing in mind that with Vuma working at the hospital, they are considered to be on a good income) and in to why so many children come in with burns.
And also a stark reminder of how lucky we are in the opportunities we have had in life.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Hobo,
    I think I may finally have figured out how to post a blognote - woop woop! Your experience sounds unforgetable. And hard. I hope you are ok. Keep me posted with your news - it takes my mind off buggies, nurseries etc etc.
    love Dr Han (Thanks for keeping me straight HanQ)
