Sunday, 13 June 2010

Feel it, it's here.

So, the World Cup has begun. And how.
It felt like it had started some time ago with all the countdowns, huge numbers of distinctive yellow Bafana Bafana tops (mostly fake) and Wednesday's "5 minutes of blow your vuvzela for SA" (with lots of warm up going on in the days before...). However, on Friday I realised that I hadn't seen anything yet.
We made a last minute dash to Nongoma to watch the opening match on a giant screen erected in the college, with a hall full of thousands of yellow-clad Zulu fans screaming and blowing their vuvuzelas like crazy. The atmosphere was incredible; so friendly and happy and just bouncing.
On Saturday we moved on to a rural fan park in Mtubatuba which did not live up to the dangers predicted, helped by there only being about 30 people there (and about half of them were security). Not sure if it was a lack of interest in Korea-Greece or in the fan park.
It was on to Richard's Bay for the Nigeria-Argentina match where we were taken aback by the lack of interest in the football from the Afrikaaners (at one point, someone was sat in front of the screen). I think rugby is more their game.
So in the end we headed to Durban for the England match where we were joined by thousands of Australians in town for tonight's game. The vibe was incredible, the whole town alive and pumping.
The next month looks to be amazing, and I'm excited to be here for it.

Oh, and I found that blowing a vuvuzela is a lot more difficult than it looks.

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