Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Read all about it.

Recently I've had the rather obvious realisation that with writing a blog, my thoughts really are open to everyone.
I was aware that people I know at home have been following it and as that really was it's purpose, I'd be disappointed if they weren't. Out here, I haven't made a secret of keeping a blog and I know one or two people have looked at it.
But I was a bit taken aback when our new physiotherapy elective students arrived and after 5 minutes of conversation announced that they had read it. And even more taken aback when one of the managers in Spar mentioned he had read it. Apparently it now comes up quite easily on Google if you type in the right combination of Mosvold, Ingwavuma and hospital.
I think it was the idea of people who I didn't know having read some of the things I had written. As I've said before, it's become a sort of online diary and I try to write it entirely as me, with at times rawer emotions than I would share with people on first meeting them. I was worried about opinions that people might have formed about me based on things I had written. Particularly people I then see regularly.
However, the students said they appreciated the insight before they arrived (and they've even got in a car with me!), and Spar not only still serves me but has in fact recently started stocking a variety of cheese other than Cheeso, so perhaps I shouldn't worry. Now, did I mention how much we all crave bacon...?

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