Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Being too tasty for my own good.

In the middle of last week, I noticed that something had bitten me on my left thigh. This is not an uncommon occurence; the mosquitos are only partly repelled by the deet and net combinations (luckily malaria is rarely seen this high up the mountain). However as the week progressed so did the bite and when I noticed a golf ball sized lymph node in my groin on Thursday I decided that the time had come for antibiotics. The benefits of being a doctor meant that I could just help myself to these at 2am during my call (I balance it out that I'm saving them money by not taking time off). 4 days later and the red line tracking up my leg did seem to be slowing down but not exactly reducing. And the chat around campus was that a number of us had similar ?bites. Theories abounded; a spider that comes out in the late summer, tetse fly bite (with the accompanying possible sleeping sickness), and my personal favourite, a fly that lays eggs on your clothes which then hatch and the larvae burrow in to you. I was faced with a tough decision; go on to different antibiotics (but one of the few ones you can't drink alcohol on, just as my annual leave approaches, and more relevantly the ones all doctors claim to be on in early pregnancy to explain their abstinence; rumours would fly!) or wait and see (and potentially be one of the annoying A&E patients you would see with a bit of a temperature who would then casually mention that they were just back from rural SA. And had some dodgy bite...)?
Luckily the GP-style has paid out and the redness (and accompanying fever) does appear to be subsiding. Phew.

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