Tuesday, 5 January 2010


Another life-event in Ingwavuma this evening. The running club (now just me and Deyo) was cut short when we came across a tiny grey kitten on the road outside the hospital. It was obviously in a lot of distress and limping. A closer examination revealed a worm-infested wound on it's right back leg. Much to the amusement of the watching Zulus we scooped it up in my t-shirt and brought it back to the hospital.
We realised that without any vets around the wound meant a prolonged and painful death. Even with vets, it would probably have been at least an amputation and then a disabled kitten dependent upon people who leave in 6 months time. After some discussion we felt that the kindest thing would be to put it out of it's misery and so we gave it a lethal dose of im ketamine. Obviously putting animals down is something that even animal-loving Brits are aware of the need for, I've just never personally done it.
I also couldn't help but draw some parallels to some of our work here where we give patients life-prolonging treatment that makes them dependent upon the health care system which may also not be around forever (money and staff deplete as it is).


  1. just wanted to wish you a very happy new year xx

  2. bless you, a lot of people would have kept on walking. Just caught up on your blog, blimey, it's one thing after another out there. HOpe you're ok, happy new year!

    Love Sarah
