Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Losing your head.

Wow, what a start to this evening's on call; snake bite. To the head (apparently it was lying above the door, for all those like me thinking 'HOW??'). And the patient had brought the snake with them. In a plastic bag. Beheaded. Yuck.

1 comment:

  1. Hi chick,
    Sooo lovely to speak with you the other day. Now, I have a proposition for you: one of the girls at my hospital (final year med student) is arranging her elective for next March (end of March for six weeks), and she is thinking about South Africa. I've told her all about you and what you are up to and suggested she get in touch with you! Her name is Rajee, she's postgrad and lovely. Anyway, let me know if you think it might be possible for her to come on over and help you out! In the meantime, I am working on booking my flights for February, and still working on the love life....! Good luck with the snake bites and watch out above your doors!

    Fay xx
