Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Stemming the tide of the comfort-eating muffin-top...

So, you are now reading the blog of Ingwavuma Running Club's newest member. Well, strictly speaking it's more of a jogging club. And I think calling it a club is a bit overambitious, but it is a group of people (and not even all people who work at the hospital!) who meet and go running. Some faster than others. Personally I'm blaming the altitude. And we're working towards a goal; the Ingwavuma Half Marathon in October. 7 years in Newcastle and my first half marathon is in South Africa. Why aye indeed pets.


  1. Good stuff girl....I am aiming for a half marathon myself next year here in dear old perth after I surprised myself with 12km thins year and was still alive at the end :)

  2. Ha ha! This makes me laugh - just remember my training earlier this year. This is going to be HARD!
