Monday, 17 August 2009

Day one at Mosvold Hospital

Mammoth journey later and we arrived. The chat in the pick up tailed off as we drove closer and closer and Deyo and I were fairly silent by the time we arrived. And deadly silent when we saw our new home for the next year. Basic is one word that springs to mind. Clayton Road are two others for those who ever saw the place.
Our hospital boss Daniel came to meet us. And scared the pants off us by asking about our surgical and anaestheitc experience. Erm, none.

First day today was all a bit daunting. So many people with really unfamiliar names, a huge hospital ground in which to get lost (twice) and scary new medicine.
I've been placed in Paeds which was reassuringly familiar in many ways (bronchiolitis, gastroenteritis) and not in others (an 8 year old with kaposi's). Also had my first theatre session; a D&C and a skin biopsy both of which were fine. Unnerving to discover that the anaestheitc options are a spinal or sedation with a diazepam/ketamine combo. But apparently if I want to play around with the propofol and iso I can... The anaesthetists do make it look very easy at home.

The people seem very nice which certainly helps. There's 10.30am tea in someone's house evry day. And we're going round to someone's house to watch "Survivor" tonight; apparently it's the Monday night social. Quite taken with the idea of everyone socialising, but then I found out that Wednesday's social is bible study group. It's certainly not Desperate's.

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